Application Modernization

Transform Your Legacy Applications into Modern, Scalable Solutions

Why Application Modernization Is Important?

Application modernization services are essential for businesses that want to future-proof their technology infrastructure, optimize costs, and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Key Benefits

  • Enhanced Agility: Modernized applications are easier to scale and update, allowing businesses to respond faster to changes in market demands.
  • Cost Reduction: Modern platforms often offer lower operating costs compared to maintaining old, inefficient systems.
  • Improved Security: Legacy applications often lack the latest security measures, making modernization a crucial step to mitigate cyber risks.
  • Better Integration: Modernized applications are easier to integrate with third-party services, APIs, and other systems.
  • Improved Performance: Modern technologies deliver better performance, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.

Our Application Modernization Services

Cloud Assessment Program equips you with actionable insights, strategies, and roadmaps you can directly implement to accelerate your business growth.

Legacy Application Assessment
  • What It Is: A thorough evaluation of the current state of your legacy applications to identify technical debt, inefficiencies, risks, and potential improvements.
  • Benefits: Helps to define the scope of modernization by understanding which components need upgrades or replacements.
  • What It Is: Packaging applications and their dependencies into containers (e.g., Docker) for consistent deployment across different environments.
  • Benefits: Improves portability and simplifies deployment, scaling, and management across various platforms and cloud environments.
UI/UX Modernization
  • What It Is: Updating the user interface and user experience of applications to meet modern design standards, improving usability and accessibility.
  • Benefits: Enhances the user experience, improves engagement, and reduces training times for new users.
DevOps Integration
  • What It Is: Integrating DevOps practices into the development and deployment process to automate the delivery pipeline, improve collaboration between teams, and speed up release cycles.
  • Benefits: Increases agility, enables continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), and improves overall software quality.
Platform Modernization
  • What It Is: Moving applications from legacy platforms like mainframes or outdated operating systems to modern platforms that offer better support, performance, and security.
  • Benefits: Improves performance, reduces operating costs, and ensures future-readiness by aligning with the latest technologies and platforms.
Microservices Architecture
  • What It Is: Breaking down monolithic applications into smaller, independently deployable services called microservices.
  • Benefits: Increases flexibility, allows for faster updates, improves fault isolation, and enhances scalability by independently scaling different parts of the application.
API Modernization
  • What It Is: Replacing or modernizing old interfaces with modern Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that allow for easier integration between different systems and third-party services.
  • Benefits: Improves interoperability, accelerates innovation, and enhances the user experience by allowing real-time data exchange across applications.
Database Modernization
  • What It Is: Upgrading or migrating old databases to newer, more efficient database systems or cloud-based databases.
  • Benefits: Improves performance, enhances scalability, and reduces storage costs. It can also involve moving to NoSQL databases or managed database services.
Re-Architecting & Refactoring
  • What It Is: Re-architecting involves changing the software architecture to make it more modular and scalable, while refactoring refers to improving the internal structure of the code without changing its functionality.
  • Benefits: Makes applications more maintainable, scalable, and easier to update in the future.
Automation & Orchestration
  • What It Is: Automating routine processes and workflows, such as application deployment, testing, and monitoring.
  • Benefits: Improves efficiency, reduces human error, and accelerates the deployment of new features and services.

Our Modernization Process

Engaging Futuralis for your Application Modernization involves these key steps:

Strategy and Roadmap

Developing a custom plan to modernize and future-proof your application landscape.

Execution & Migration

Seamlessly transforming your applications using the latest technologies and methodologies.

Testing & Optimization

Thoroughly testing the modernized application for performance and security, with ongoing improvements.

Post-Modernization Support

Ensuring smooth operations post-migration with continuous support and monitoring.

Why Choose Us?

  • Proven Expertise:
    Our team has decades of experience transforming legacy systems for industry leaders.
  • Customized Solutions:
    Every modernization project is tailored to meet your unique business needs.
  • Fast and Secure Transition:
    Rapid modernization without compromising security, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations.
  • End-to-End Support:
    We provide full lifecycle support — from planning and migration to ongoing optimization.

It’s time to invest in your future with Futuralis Application Modernization Program.

Applications for Tomorrow’s Business

Application Modernization with AWS push the frontier of possibility, giving you new tools that are flexible & cost-effective.

  • Drive growth, retire legacy investments and improve your financial posture
  • Accelerate your migration to the cloud with a trusted provider
  • Maximize the value of your existing investments

Modernize Now!