Case Studies

Digital transformation can be complex, but we’re here to help enterprises streamline the process and boost profitability.
With Futuralis Generative AI Solutions
Baeumler Approved Migrates its Kentico CMS from an On-Premise Data Center to AWS in One Week
The Amazon Worldwide Sustainability ESO team team collects data from utility invoices in order to calculate associated greenhouse gas emissions.
Equifax Implements Microservices to Provide a Faster Customer Experience
University of North Carolina’s Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography Harness Cloud to Run Hydrodynamic Models
TeamCare Dental is dedicated to providing top-notch comprehensive dental services to its patients.
Tucker Energy builds a modern web application on AWS for safety inspections
Fully Managed Hosting Solution for Improving High-End Website Performance and Security
APX MarketSuite Integration with AWS Cloud
Media Streaming Solutions with AWS Elemental Services
Boosting Cyber Resilience with AWS WAF
Felix & Paul Studios live-stream the NASA Artemis I Space Mission Launch
Automating Data Ingestion: Serverless Solution for Marubeni Power
Secure Integration and Cost-Efficient EC2 Strategy
AWS Excellence with Futuralis
Clear Mind Graphics (CMG) specializes in innovative digital solutions.
Accounting Software Provisioning on AWS with Enhanced Security and Performance
Achieving PCI Compliance and Elevating Infrastructure Excellence Through AWS WAFR

Ready to discover how Futuralis can elevate your cloud journey?

Get in touch today and let’s explore the full power of AWS together.